Saturday, April 30, 2011


Staring: Billy Zane, Dennis Hopper, & Ann-Margert
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Memory is one of the best direct-to-video/b-movies I have ever seen. How a small production company gets a cast like this is beyond me, but this was just a great movie! Billy Zane is a guy with a clouded past, who decides to use an experimental drug to restore his memory. Only to vividly remember a murder he witnessed, but was it his memory or someone else's? I don't like Zane one bit, but in this movie, he's pure genius. What was really striking about this film, (especially since it's a low budget b-movie), was the imagery. Everything is so vibrate and methodically done. First time director, Bennett Davlin, really has you sitting on the edge of your seat. It really feels like you're alongside Zane, seeing what he sees. As for the ending, I never saw it coming. I've seen a lot of films, and you've got to have a pretty good story to surprise me! It's a film you've never heard of and won't see in theaters, but it's defiantly one that shouldn't be missed.

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