Friday, December 7, 2012

Hunger (2009)

Starring: Lori Huering, Linden Ashby, & Joel Egender
Rating: 1 1/2 out of 5 stars

Fangoria Frightfest film number three is Hunger, which many people have compared to Saw. Yeah, this movie is Saw, if Saw had the people locked in an empty room, had no budget, and Jigsaw was a mute cannibal. Hunger is most defiantly a ten on the gross out scale, but besides that it has absolutely nothing going for it. Seldom have I seen a horror film that is as pointless or moves as slowly as Hunger did. The film is only one hundred minutes, but it felt as though I was watching it for days! The star of the film is veteran horror actress, Lori Huering, whose character is pretty well written, but is also unfortunately as dull as the rest of the cast. Most reviews for Hunger have been favorable and I can't understand that. Aside from the victims arguing with each other, there is hardly any dialogue. There is also zero character development, which is crucial in a film like this. If the audience doesn't give two shits about the victims or what happens to them, then what's the point? Hunger tries to shock you with it's level of gore, but more concerning is the lack of substance and the laziness of the film makers. Yes, the ripped off most of their ideas from Saw. Saw had a tremendous villain and a fascinating story that spawned six squeals, while this film is so lazy that after a month of isolation, the men's beards didn't even grow! Somehow, Hunger got to be part of a major horror festival, but it most defiantly represents the festivals lowest point.

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