Sunday, December 23, 2012

Red State (2011)

Starring: Michael Parks, John Goodman, Melissa Leo, & Kyle Gallner
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Kevin Smith's latest film does not feature Jay or Silent Bob, and it's most defiantly not what you're used to seeing from the acclaimed director. Smith not only directed and wrote this film, but he also produced it independently, keeping it out of theaters, but how come? The answer is simple, it's Smith's unique personality and ability to show a film in a context that is as real as possible. Red State is a fictional type story that resembles and mocks the events in Waco. Three High School kids, from a small town, decide to use the internet to find a prostitute. They think they found a bargain, but when they arrived they quickly discovered that all their lives are now in danger. The woman who placed the add, belongs to a religious cult, who owns a compound, where they execute sinners. Michael Parks plays the leader of this group, Abin Copper, and in ever sense of the word he is nothing but brillient! As the pastor with two personalities, a public and private persona, Parks is able to really give us an inside look at what is really going on inside the minds of these people, it really was a great performance. The other standout from this cast is John Goodman, who plays the lead FBI agent in charge, who has to battle his conscious at the same time he's battling Cooper. Red State is a dark and extremely graphic depiction of what life is like in an ultra religious, super conservative environment. Some of the graphic speeches and violence can be hard to watch, but the acting is off the charts good, and you can't ask for a more creative or innovative writer than Kevin Smith. As usual, this film isn't for everyone, but I really loved it.

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