Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Incredible Mrs. Ritchie

Starring: Gena Rowlands, Kevin Zegers, & James Caan
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

This film is a soft, yet inspirational tale, about a troubled boy, whose life is changed when he's forced to work for an elderly woman. Once again this is a tremendous film that was completely ignored, due to not being in the theaters, but it's still one hell of a story. The performances are honestly some of the best I've seen all year and while I don't really go for films like this, it really moved me. Gena Rowlands shows that the longer you've been doing this, the better you get. Kevin Zegers on the other hand shows just the opposite, that you don't have to be a legend to put on a great performance. This story is just so inspiring and unlike many other films, it's very real and believable. Overall, it was somewhat predictable, but in a way that you don't mind so much, because of how it is done. Mrs. Ritchie is fantastic and I'm thrilled that I gave it a shot.

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