Saturday, June 4, 2011

Village of The Damned (1995)

Staring: Christopher Reeve, Kirstie Alley, & Mark Hamill
Rating: 1 1/2 out of 5 stars

John Carpenter remakes yet another classic horror movie and again it just doesn't work. When you take a movie based on one that is 35 years old, coming from a book that's even older than that, and you try to adapt it to modern day life, something is going to be off. If it had been set in the time it was written, it would have made more sense, but would still have been a pretty weak story. A massive blackout impregnates the town woman with alien children who can see your thoughts and force you to do what they wish. It's not the best story to begin with. Add to that a group of actors who are passed their prime and really don't want to be doing this film and you get another shit movie that is basically a waste of time.

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