Monday, May 16, 2016

Pride & Glory

Starring: Edward Norton, Colin Farrell, & Jon Voight
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Ray Tierney (Edward Norton) comes from a family of cops, and was the best of the lot until an accident in the line of duty cut his career short. One night, after multiple officers are shot and killed, it becomes clear that there is a large corruption ring at work within the NYPD, and the brass turn to Ray to find out the truth, a truth that could lead him right back home. Edward Norton is truly a chameleon in that he can play absolutely any role and be believable. It doesn't matter if he's some computer geek or a tough as nails cop, he always does a great job and no matter what he's in, the film is always going to have an air of credibility for it. The rest of the cast, as well as the story are also pretty good, but this film isn't without it's problems. As with other films that have complex stories and large casts, the story moves so quickly and characters are introduced so fast, that it's difficult to keep track of what's going on and nearly impossible to remember who is who. The story is great and the main characters are well written, but there is so much going on, that it is very easy to get lost in all the side stories. The bottom line is that Pride and Glory would be better suited as a TV series than a movie, but then you wouldn't have the big named cast, and it probably wouldn't last four episodes. The actions scenes are great, the main characters are intense, and the story was terrific if not a bit more complicated than it needed to be.

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