Saturday, September 26, 2015

Reservoir Dogs

Starring: Harvey Kaitel, Tim Roth, & Steve Buscemi
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Reservoir Dogs is the debut film from legendary Director, Quinton Tarantino, and that's why it's taken me such a long time to see it. Most Directors, even the great ones, aren't always successful right out of the gate. In fact, it's a very rare thing to accomplish, but I should have known that if anyone could do it, Tarantino could. In his signature style, Tarantino heavily uses flashbacks to piece together an amazing story of a heist gone bad. The score of a lifetime is at Joe Cabot's fingertips, so he puts together a crew of six of the best criminals his city has to offer. To make sure nothing goes wrong, everyone remains anonymous and is given a nicknames. Right from the start of the film, we know that something has gone terribly wrong, but what happened? That we'll eventually find out in pieces, through flashbacks, in a style that is pure Tarantino. Even in his first film, you can see the style, classic lines, and intriguing that made Tarantino the household name that he is. Aside from flashbacks, the other thing Tarantino is known for, is putting together unlikely casts, that turn out to be perfect for the roles they are in. Harvey Kaitel as Mr. White, may very well be the best of the lot. Kaitel is at the top of his game, and while older and unlikely to be the leader of the group, he turns out to be much more, including the star of this film. Reservoir Dogs is nearly twenty-five years old and it is still as exciting and relevant today as it was then. I never thought anything would ever come close to topping Pulp Fiction as my favorite Tarantino film, but Reservoir Dogs certainly makes a compelling argument for the top spot on that list.

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