Saturday, September 14, 2013

Remarkable Power

Starring: Kevin Nealon, Evan Peters, Nora Zehetnet, & Tom Arnold
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Remarkable Power is a unique and interesting movie that I really wish hadn't been an independent film. It was such a unique idea, that I really would have like to have seen how audiences took it. The film is categorized as a dark comedy, and while there are several very funny scenes, I didn't really find it very funny, however it was such a solid story that it maintained my interest throughout. The film is separated by four different sub-stories, that come together in the end. The main focus is based on one man's actions following his introduction to a set of self-help tapes, called, Remarkable Power. The other, on a former child star, turned TV talk show host, who is about to lose his job, and needs a miracle in order to salvage his career. The film has some of my favorite comedic actors in it, but it tries so hard to be funny, that it turns out not to be. What saves this film, is how compelling the story becomes, I mean they throw everything at you from murder, drugs, and the mafia to sex, Hollywood, and even superhero cops. Evan Peters from American Horror Story is the one person who seems to be in the middle of everything and they made an excellent choice. This guy really has some tremendous ability, as seen both here and in his television show. Even if this movie doesn't sound appealing to you, Peters performance alone is really something to see. Kevin Nealon is also terrific, as he continues to try and get from the label as just a funny secondary character. Nealon really takes the lead in the most compelling part of the story and comes up with a plan to save his talk show, that really is ingenious. Remarkable Power isn't what they make it out to be and the writers tried way too hard to make this into something it wasn't, but I will say this, the performances were outstanding and the story is far from predictable. It wasn't the comedy I was expecting, but by and large it was still very entertaining.

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