Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Starring: Dustin Milligan, Amanda Crew, & Richard de Klerk
Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars

The ninth step in recovery is apologizing to all those you've hurt with your drug addiction. When three members of a rehab group fail to complete this step, they are met with a strange consequence. For them, the day they were supposed to complete the ninth step keeps repeating. Movies like Repeaters, are why I watch independent films. I'd never heard of the film, the cast, or the Director, and in fact, this movie isn't even available in the U.S. I saw it as one of my suggestions on Netflix streaming and figured, what do I have to lose? What I found was on of the smartest, most original stories in years. Repeaters isn't just a weird science fiction movie or a drama about addiction, it's both, and it's a whole lot more. Fusing elements of action, drama, and science fiction, Repeaters will have you on the edge of seat craving for more. Words can not express how well written this film was and how it will give you a full range of emotion in just ninety minutes. As for the cast, I'd never heard of any of them, but they were terrific, especially Richard de Klerk, who played the most deranged member of their little group. He really connected all the elements, showing a range that most actors today can't even dream of attaining. Repeaters is a tremendously written roller coaster ride of emotion, with some outstanding performances, and stunning conclusions, and for that it gets labeled as one of our can't miss movies!

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