Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Storage Wars

Starring: David Hester, Barry Weiss, Jarrod Schulz, & Darrell Sheets
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Two years ago, A&E's Storage Wars came out of nowhere and quickly became one of the highest rated shows on cable. The show is extremely addictive and I watch it religiously, but why? Most people think it has something to with the mystery about what's behind the door or the hunt for buried treasure, as usual; I have a different take on things. The reason this show is as popular as is it, is the buyers themselves. Reality TV is about watching real people in real situations. We like to see people who are just like us, struggling to survive, fighting with assholes at work, etc. The cast of Storage Wars are people that we can relate to and more than that, they are interesting as hell. Every week I can't wait to see what Barry does, who Dave's gonna piss off, and what inappropriate thing Jarrod is going to say to his wife. I believe the show’s popularity has little to do with what's behind the door. It's the unique and interesting cast that keeps us coming back for more. The truth is that doesn't matter if it's storage auction buyers, repo men, meter maids, or hand fisherman, what we want is people we like and can easily relate to in different situation both inside and out of the office, and Storage Wars provides that and then some.

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