Sunday, September 4, 2011

Apollo 18

Starring: Warren Christie, Lloyd Owen, & Ryan Robbins
Rating: 1 1/2 out of 5 stars

This film is shot on old cameras, in a 70s style documentary, that someone would have made on an old camcorder. Someone uncovers the tapes of this secret, classified, NASA mission, that was buried and turns it into this film. Apollo 18 shows how the astronauts came into contact with extra terrestrial life. I was expecting this to be a trippy Sci-Fi movie, it wasn't. I also thought maybe the aliens would be hostile and it would be an action packed horror flick, not really. The truth is, it's hard to say what this was besides bad! First of all, the look they use for effect, hampered the viewers, the constant interruption and flashes were just fucking annoying! The actors really have no dialogue outside of their work, meaning we know basically nothing about them, so there is no connection with the audience. The dialogue is bland, the effects are cheap, and the cinematography makes you want to vomit. It's not Paranormal Activity, nor is it the Blair Witch, it's a cheap rip off of both, that's not worth one minute of your time.

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