Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Red (2008)

Starring: Brian Cox, Tom Sizemore, Noel Fisher, & Kyle Gallner
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Not the Red you were expecting? ...well this film was nothing like I expected it to be either. The previews and descriptions of Red, tell you very little about the story, and what it does show you is something that makes you wonder, how in the world can they make a whole movie out of this!? I gave it a shot, because it based on a book by Jack Ketchum, the writer who has given us the novels and eventually the films, The Lost, Offspring, The Girl Next Door, & The Women. I really enjoy Ketchum's style, I gave this movie a shot, and it really surprised me. The story is a simple one about a simple man, Avery Ludlow (Brian Cox), who is out fishing with his old dog Red. Quickly the serenity is destroyed by three rich kids looking to have some fun. In the process of robbing Ludlow, one of the boys shoots and kills Red. As it would turn out, there's a lot more to Avery Ludlow than meets the eye and there is a wild story about Red, where he came from, and what he means to Ludlow, who spends the rest of the film trying to get justice for his pet, from a town that really doesn't care a whole lot. Brian Cox is the star and lets face it, he's been in everything, and by this point we've all seen him in something and know how great he is. Out of all of Cox's roles though, this is one that really stood out to me, because he is beyond terrific and a perfect fit for the character of Avery Ludlow. Cox is paired with a few up and coming teen stars and their rich father played by Tom Sizemore. Together, they are the complete opposite of Ludlow, both in status and in personality, bringing the film full circle. Based on the description, Red seems like it's going to be a long and boring tale, but as always Jack Ketcum throws in some terrific plot twists, and the story goes to a place you'd never expect it to go.

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