Friday, January 27, 2012

I Spit On Your Grave (2010)

Starring: Sarah Butler, Jeff Branson, & Rodney Eastman
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

When the original I Spit On Your Grave came out in 1978, it was so graphic and violent that it was banned from theaters and television. 32 years later and the remake is ten times as horrific and much more interesting. They'd planned to release this one in theaters but due to its NC-17 rating, they decided to go with the unrated direct-to-video method. This brutal and horrific story is about a writer who goes to a cabin in the woods to write her next book, when she becomes the victim of a horrible crime. She survives, but decided it's not justice she wants, it's revenge. I loved this film, because it's something that could actually happen, and when it's a realistic film, no matter how graphic, I find it to be that much more terrifying. If you have a weak stomach, avoid this one, because when I say it's graphic, it is ridiculously so! There is no way they ever would have been able to trim this down to an R rating for theaters, it's that brutal. Personally, I love films like this, the more graphic and realistic, the better, however many others don't agree and most critics claim the film made them physically ill. My suggestion, check it out and decide for yourself!

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