Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Facebook Privacy?! New Policy is a joke!

Facebook is a social network site. It is designed to let us share information, thoughts, ideas, and much more with our friend, no matter how close or distant they are. The whole idea behind it is to be open with people and get to know them better.

So, the whole idea of "Facebook Privacy" seems idiotic to me. This is a place where millions of people WILLINGLY post their phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, and other personal information publically for anyone to see, yet they are worried about privacy!?

Here's an idea... If you're so worried about your privacy, limit what you put on your profile! Just because theres a space there that say "Address" or "Phone Number" doesn't mean it's required information!

However, In response to the idiots, Facebook has now instituted a new policy for ALL of it's users (not just the one's under 18). Now you are ONLY allowed to add friends who are either friends with someone you are already friends with or who show up in your friend finder.

So you're telling me, if I go out to a bar and meet someone and maybe hook up, I can't then go home and add them to my facebook, unless they are already friends with someone I know?! What if I get a new co-worker or want to add a distance cousin?? How about follow a celebrity I like? Or a friend from a mutual intrest group on facebook? I can't add them!?!

You may think I'm joking, but I'm not! Go ahead, search a random name,  try to add them, and see what comes up.... THIS

Do you know this user personally? To prevent misuse of Facebook, this request can't be sent. To learn more, please visit the Help Center. If you believe you're seeing this message in error, you can report the problem.

Ok... report the problem! You get an automated response that sends you right back to the help page.

If I were 15 and trying to add someone who's 40 (or vise versa)... This might be a good idea. I got this message trying to add an old friend from high school, who had moved, and apparently only recently joined facebook. He only has like a dozen friends, none of whom I know, so I was unable to add him and keep getting this message.

This is fair? Facebook has almost a billion users. How many of them do you think are under 18? Maybe 200,000 or so? So why is the minorities safety, taking priority over everyone elses ability to fully use Facebook properly?

I think this new policy is great for under aged kids. Their profiles should be protected and should be private, but applying this rule to everyone is just fucking stupid! Do you remember when Myspace wanted to be more private and you had to know everyone's last name or email address, and then type in a long ass code? ...well how'd that turn out? Do you use your myspace anymore? Does anyone who isn't in a band?

This is a bad move for Facebook! It playcates the idiots who CHOOSE to reveal too much information and protects people who aren't children and don't want to be protected. I don't post my personal information and I want to meet new people, I want people to add me, that's part of the reason I joined! It's what apps and groups are based on.

It's a bad move and the beginning of the downfall of facebook. Remember you heard it here first.

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