Thursday, June 23, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, & Jennifer Lawrence
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

What is everyone complaining about? I am by no means a superhero fan, in fact, aside from Batman and the X-Men, I really don't care, but as someone who has been into X-Men since he was a kid, and seen just about everything, the day it came out, I really can't understand all the bad reviews and the complaints about violence towards women! This film has been called the worst X-Men film ever, nothing is worse than Last Stand, and as far as violence towards woman goes, there has always been fight scenes and there have always been male and female characters involved, in fact, X-Men has always received high praise for included female characters as equals, since the very beginning, so what is it, they aren't allowed to lose a fight? As far as the film goes, the story was terrific, the action sequences and special effects just continue to get better, and the introduction of Cyclopes (Tye Sheridan) and Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-Mcfee) into the prequel cast just made everything that much better. Without giving anything away, I will say that my one knock on the film would be in the ending. There was so much build-up around the character of Apocalypse and so much talk about how powerful he was. Half the film follows him as he gains power and puts his plan together, but the final battle, that determines the outcome of the film, didn't take very long at all. There was all this hype and build up to this ultimate battle, that could determine the fate of the world, and when it happened, the fans were left scratching their heads by how quickly it ended. Hopefully it was all done with a purpose, and we'll find out why in whatever comes next, but as it stands now, the ending of the film was extremely anti-climatic, besides that, I loved it! Apocalypse might not have been as good as First Class or Days of Future Past, but it certainly wasn't a stinker on the level of Last Stand, the way that most critics portrayed it to be.

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